Thursday, December 08, 2005

Day 07 - the kids are alright!

Thursday, 08 December 2005 AD

Preschool program

Part of our mission trip involves visiting 14 pre-schools to provide some entertainment to the children. Did some goofing doing the chicken dance, sung 'My God is so big' along with actions and handed out the cookies we baked the day before. Martin and his son Micah, told the children the story about the birth of Christ through storyboards. way cool!

Team Lunch
- Ghents, Messers and Ongs

Working with the Ghents in northern Japan are two OMF couples (the Ongs from Singapore and the Messers from Germany), who are serving at Kanagi and Hiraka Chapel respectively. One of their strategies is teaching conversational English classes as a
means of meeting people in the areas where they are planting churches.

- played bball @ gym
- Catherine went to the onsen
- The girls just rested and chatted.

- yeah baby! conditions in kitchens, toilets, bedrooms and general quarters back to a state that's acceptable. How long we'll keep it this way is another matter..

Din din
- John, Debbie, Joyce made a yummy rice bake!

Conversation cafe
- Huy got to share his testimony with Mr Fujimoto at the conversation cafe.

University Bible Study group

Grace and Alex went along with Martin to Airi's home near Hirosaki University for a bible study group. The group consists of four people, all of whom are fairly new Christians but it was so encouraging to see them so enthusiastic about applying God's word in their life in particular trusting God in all situations in life.

After the study we had a time of sharing. The Japanese students asked us how did God help us in making decisions about what to do after uni and how we came to do short term mission in Japan. Everyone also shared their favourite bible verse and the reason for them chosing it. Reminded by how much God's word can be a rebuke, comfort and a challenge..

Christians meeting around God's word! Yay!

Prayer points:
- Thank God that the preschool program went well today. Pray that the schools will allow this church activity to continue.
- Thank God for raising up workers from all over the world - the Messers (from Germany), the Ongs (from Singapore) and the Ghents (from Canada).
- Pray for Mr Fujimoto, who works 7 days a week as a manager at a car dealership. He gets 1 day a month off, and has indicated that he would like to visit the evening service this Sunday. Thank God for the opportunity for Huy to share his testimony.
- Pray for the university bible study group that they may continue to be enthusiastic about seeking to do God's will, rejoicing, trusting and loving him through all circumstances.

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