Saturday, December 10, 2005

Day 09 - Starcraft in Mogawa

Saturday, 10 December 2005 AD

Tsugaru Church - Kanagi Chapel held a Christmas craft class in Mogawa, a town in Aomori Prefecture without a church. Several members of our team joined Heike Messer and her mother who flew in last week from Germany to teach people to make straw star crafts.

We had some left over cookies and cake left over from the Children's Christmas Party earlier today, so Ruth shared them with the hyper active children who waited for the parents while they did their craft class.

It was quite freaky on the way home.. first time in a snow storm!

Prayer points:
- Pray that the Lord will use the Christmas craft classes held my Heike and her mother on 10th in Mogawa, 17th in Shiura, 17th in Imabtsu, 23rd in Kanita for His glory. Neither of these four towns in Aomori Prefecture have churches. Pray that small groups can be started in each of these towns.
- Two of the women who attended the Christmas craft have attended Kanagi Chapel services once or twice. Pray that Heike may build relationships with these women through these craft classes.
- Thank God for a long yet productive day.
- Thank God for a safe journey on the roads home during the snow storm.

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